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Other Projects


This portfolio is not the first that I have created for college credit.  For the Fall semester of 2014 I created a portfolio for my Writing and Editing in the Mediated Public sphere course, which was as thorough as the name implies.  The portfolio contains many of the various projects I completed or contributed, which included editing a Wikipedia page, writing a scientific blog post, a Prezi on the rhetorical use of certain words, an analytical essay discussing the the connection between opinions of opposing and seemingly unrelated discourse situations, and much more.


Also, during the Spring semester of 2015 I took a course titled What is a Text? During that course we were assigned to create a website that embodied what texts we encountered on a daily basis.  Texts,  in the context of that course, meant anything that could be perceived.  This included music, flyers, text messages, and anything else that is encountered in daily life. 


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